Build your brand in the digital world


Build your brand in the digital world!

Build your Brand in the digital world

This week on the communication class, I chose a topic for my “take a stand” presentation.  It was one of my personal hobby and I wanted to convince my audience the benefit of this hobby and eventually persuaded them to  keep it as their personal habit as I did.

My topic was  Build your brand in the digital world: personal website method. 

Blog number

I personally wrote almost 600 articles/ over 1million words on my personal blog/website during the past 8 years, which means every week, I would write 1.5 articles. I  almost wrote everything, including people I met, place I travelled, the interviews I was conducted, the companies I worked, the project I did, the dream I made, the MBA schools I applied and of course the MBA life here at Anderson.  Yep, I kept recording my personal life. Or you can say, I sometime keep talking to myself in the deep night, when it was quite and only the inner conversation in mind. I love my little hobby.

I felt the huge benefit of keeping recording the daily life or some important moment of life, and want to share the benefit of the personal website, hoping my peers could also realize the benefit of personal website and benefit their life now and in the future.

Some main point of the presentation:

-Easy to own a personal website, three simple step: domain name, space and WordPress

-Under control: easily monitor, publish privately or publicly. choose publish time

-Keep memory and stories in a safe and lasting digital home ( Actually, this is my reason, and there were lots of benefit you can image if you have a digital copy of your memory. Not only for yourself, but for your son, daughter or even grandson, granddaughter if they want to know your stories or the family’s stories and where they are from….)

-Easy to connect with the social network

-Potential investment: professional brand, Google Adsense

Frankly speaking, I always was afraid to give public speech in front of people, even just only 9 people. I prefer causal conversation, and it would be perfect for me if it was just an 1-to-1 face to face conversation.  However, in business school, I gained chance,or was forced, to practice my public speaking skills, and I hope I would improve it through my two years’MBA life.  To tell myself the truth, I already felt a little improvement compared to two or three month ago. I attribute the improvement to my classmate and the professors, who made a class environment that I would never have the chance to know if I didn’t come to Anderson. Everyone seems so confidence in class, and the more important thing is that even I sometimes knew what I talked about was nonsense, but nobody would judge you and made you feel silly. People in the class were encouraged to speak out their ideas, whether it is right or wrong, as there is no right or wrong answer, there was just your answers. Then I become brave to speak out even sometimes I was not so comfortable or confidence in what I would say. ( Sorry….I always made the topic far way from what I wanted to talked about…..)

Back to the  presentation I made this Monday, I received some feedback from my peers. Shame to admit, I didn’t provide too much feedback to them as I am still not good at giving feedback to presentation, and I hope next quarter, I would provide my own opinion for my peers’ presentation.



-Great Visuals / Display of presentation/Prezi (7)

-Personal Story “Good Dating” (4)

-Very passionate and engaged

-Good persuasive argument w/appropriate main points

-Great logical persuasive

-Good Hook

-Good posture

-Data use


-Benefits ( Excellent )

-Outline everything well

-good jobs keeping it relevant/ link some concept to business school (2)



-It was fast and a lot of different points. Fewer points and more support may be better

-Didn’t understand why you choose 8 years w/ your original slide

– Maybe want to balance reasons in term of types varieties

-The ending might be stronger if it was more concise

-Slow down on speaking/Maybe speak more slowly so we can be sure to understand you perfectly (2)

-Make contact around the room

-Change of pace if changed from slow to fast

-watch pauses and pronunciations

– what are your trying to convince?

– Need clearer position +preview

-some slides are hard to read ( dark background + dark letter)

-you use mostly one type of evidence, need variety

Obviously, there were a bunch of good and strength for my presentation, but also had lots of place that I need to improve.  Two things maybe I did quite well. First, I use Prezi to make my presentation, which made my presentation a great visual. ( There were 7 out of 8 people pointed this), Two, I made the topic related to my personal stories, and made it a humor way. Two things I still need to improve. First, speak slowly. Second, speak clearly. ( Pronunciations)

UCLA run the L.A. We Bruins beat Trojans

A wonderful end of 2013. We finally beat USC Trojans. I watched the football game in a sports watching bar near campus. The bar was filled by Bruins, so I almost stood there for more than three hours to celebrate the last moment. It was an wonderful game!! I would remember the game and the feelings to be Bruins! It was my great honor to be part of this tight community!



PEERspective Feedback

Peerspective is a program that let 1st Anderson student met a new 1st MBA student in other section and talked with each other for half hour every week.  Then they gave feedback to each other. After several round, they will combine the feedback together, so you will receive a combined feedback, but don’t know which specific feedback from whom. I found there were lots of such kind of design to protect people that provided their opinion or choice.

Would they Intro You?

Some yes, some no

What reservations would they have?

Some communication was hard and they had a hard time understanding you sometimes.

What do they think you most valued

Recognition and Affiliation

First visual impression

Professional and well dressed. They’d intro you to their boss!

If you engaged their friend they’d feel…

Acceptance and Anticipation

Perception of your career interests and abilities

They think you are knowledgeable and have a good sense of direction

Would they go for drinks?

You betcha

Impressions from Emails?

Not much of an impression (no news is usually good news in this category)

If they could change 1 thing

Talk more clearly, work on your small talk, and try to be a little more personable!

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B-school is like real biz world, full of exciting things and opportunities. you want to them all, right? who doesn’t!  yet you have limited resource, time, $, people.  so, find out your limitation, sort out your priority, and do the ones you MUST do, and learn to let the rest go.  many times, my role is not to pick what we should do, but to turn down the projects / meetings / trips, we don’t need. Same for biz school. –From a CEO friend who graduated from Stanford MBA.

真正的MBA生活已经开始三周了, 感觉匆匆忙忙, 日子过的越来越快,不知不觉一天,一周,或许一个月就这样过去了. 每天都是在各种日历安排下围着转,不需要仔细思考自己一天要干嘛. 学习,learning team, ACT Group, corporate event, Parker CMC, club, lecture, social event等等. 每天也都在各种邮件里转着. 把第一时间不考虑的邮件丢进分类目录,把要去的活动第一时间注册,备注在日历表中,把犹豫不决的邮件依旧放在收件箱。 每隔几天清理清理收件箱. 生活似乎就是在每天的各种选择中度过. 经常是同一个时间有不同事情overlap. 开始的时候便想着尽可能多的参加一些活动,多参加社团,社交活动,讲座,酒吧等. 不过不需要多久便会明白,什么都想要,什么都想抓是不现实的.

MBA 生活或许正入前人所说,不是要给自己做加法,什么都要去. 而真的是要学会慢慢的认清自己,知道自己要什么,慢慢narrow自己的想法,自己的选择,在相对明晰的大方向上,学会舍弃,舍弃那些并不重要或者作用并不大的事情。因为手里的资源有限,如何在两年时间里发挥最大的utility至关重要. 然而这却又是一个自我醒悟的过程,旁人的说教作用甚微,只有自己去尝试了做了才会明白. 有些人比较幸运,目标明确. 有些人比较折腾,或许要花很久,尝试很多次之后才会慢慢做出自己的选择. 并无优劣之分, 只是各自认知世界的方式不同而已.

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UCLA Anderson Amazon CASE Competition

下午Amazon Case Competition, 两只队伍入围了最终的决赛. 周五没有课,但是依然还是有很多人到Anderson参加最后的决赛presentation.

Amazon Case Competition是Amazon 与 UCLA Anderson合作的一个商业案例比赛,基本就是每年十月在Anderson举办一次,一年级新生和二年级的学生组建队伍参加。每四个人一个队伍,去年有58 team, 今年也是58 teams注册参加比赛.

Amazon Case competition 都是HTBA在组织(High The Business Association, Anderson 最大的一个俱乐部之一)。或许也是很多Anderson学生到学校后参加的第一个商业案例比赛. 在HTBA Kick Off meeting正式宣布今年商业案例比赛的日程安排后,几乎在一个下午的时间,大家都纷纷的组建好了队伍,或许有些早在宣布前就已经联系建立好了。总之在我想要outreach寻找队友的时候,发现很多都已经组建完毕,不得不佩服MBA同学们行动的迅速.

言归正传, 本周一上午9:00 大家正式收到Case的信息,必须在周二中午12点前提交各自的方案. 或许亚马逊就希望考研四人小组在24小时分析解决问题的能力吧. 因此周一晚上不知道有多少人都是半夜或许次日又早起在讨论方案.

参加本次Case也是收获了挺多,虽然在第一轮58支队伍进前6参加半决赛的时候就被淘汰了. 但是也确实体会到小组讨论参加比赛的感受.

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转眼到L.A. 将近两个月了,终于在周四正式开学上课了. 感觉此前两月便是在各种Orientation中度过. 先是八月时国际学生IPO三周, 休息一周多便是九月份正式的Anderson MBA学生的Orientation将近三周. 不过显然九月份的Orientation含金量和安排更加的丰富多彩.很荣幸自己被分在了Anderson Section C中,三周的Orientation接触下来,感觉Section C还是挺有爱的,团体的凝聚力也挺强. 要不是Orientation阶段天天都有各种事情在参与,估计也可以隔三差五的歇息博客. 不过转眼发现自己一个多月没有写任何东西了,便觉得瞬间空间好大,想要记下的东西太多,便没有东西一一细细道来. 或许凝化在自己心里也不见得不好,未必要事无巨细的记载下来。每天的事情似乎也几乎都在Wechat中留存了,不过或许哪天Wechat不那么使用了,记忆或许也不会随着文字的消失而渐渐模糊吧.

P.S. 啥时能够出个任何东西在其他social website 记载的,分享的,写的文章,贴的图片,都可以留存一份到自己的私人的博客上,或者类似于私人的记忆库之类的就好了。这样既可以满足social connect的需要分享,也可以满足自己独立博客留存的需要。既不会像独立博客一样只是自娱自乐,也不会像social network 一样只循环与各自建立的大独立王国之中.

由于我们九月底开慢悠悠的开学,这两天把自己的fall quarter的日程安排了一下,发现还是挺紧张的。从下个月开始,似乎corporate presentation,academic schedule等等都要全面展开了. 真正的不可能三角定律就要出现了:Study, Sleep, Social! 终究不能样样俱全. 周四上了一下accounting,Economics, statistics 后发现自己也几乎把大学的知识忘的差不多了. 虽然第一天的课简单的不行, 但是换一种语言还是需要消化一下. 或许自己应该更加的努力学习了.



Goal2:保持不错的学习成绩.( 我猜有个B+??)

Goal3: 在美国找到理想的工作.

不知道自己未来会在何处,只是眼下自己似乎还是目标相对明确的:尽量能够在毕业的时候先留在美国(最好加州: 洛杉矶或者旧金山)工作生活几年。



Go Monster!!!

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